I am so excited to share this months Sewing Room Interview... This gal is amazing, and the more I get to know her the more in awe of her I am... Lets get going with the Q&A
Presenting the Sewing Room of Teresa Wilson...
Q- What is your favorite thing in your sewing room?
A- My favorite thing in my sewing room isn't really a
"thing." It's the thought
that went into the "things." I absolutely love the sewing
table my husband
built to hold my Brother PQ 1500S. We got the table for $10 at DI,
and he
cut a hole and installed a shelf with adjustable bolts. Having the
machine at this height absolutely changed my ability to free motion
It made a huge difference. My other favorite things are my
"made by" sign
made and given to me by my daughter-in-law, my "friends"
hanging given to me by a dear friend who I've been through a lot
with, and
finally a picture I have hanging in my room about the important
thing being
not the dress but what's in the dress.
Q- What is the most Annoying thing about your sewing room?
A-The most annoying thing about my sewing room is just that. . . it's
just one
room! I keep trying to spread out into the family room, but my
family keeps
me in check and makes me move back into my sewing room! ( I think we can ALL relate to that!!)
Q- What is the thing in your sewing room that you just cant live without?
A- I couldn't live without the storage bins in my sewing room. I get
such a
thrill from finding just the right bin or container to hold my
supplies and
stash. It makes me so happy to be able to find things when I need
which is easier to do when I have things organized in their bins! I
couldn't live without the machines I have, including my Singer 9960,
PQ 1500S, Brother 1034 Serger, and my newly purchased Innova
22" longarm
with PantoVision (digital pantographs you can sew from the FRONT of the
machine rather than the back. . . let me know if you want to give it
a try
cuz it's truly awesome!). Also, let me know if you need something

Q- What is your current project?
A- My current project? Really? Does anyone have just ONE project? I'm
working on a Metro Medallions quilt to be used as a signature quilt
at a
wedding reception on August 1st. I'm also working on a variation of
a 3
Dudes pattern with an ombre effect for my son who is returning in
less than
a month from 2 years abroad in France!
Q- Are you a music, movie, or silent sewer?
A- I don't watch movies or listen to music when I sew, but I frequently
that I'm humming my favorite tunes.
Q- Where are you from, and is quilting a part of your heritage?
A- I'm originally from Southeastern Idaho. My mom is a scrappy quilter, and I
learned pretty much everything I know from her (or from her
directing me to
websites, tutorials, television shows, or her favorite books that
she kindly
lends me whenever I have a need). She learned to quilt from her
grandmothers, who used clothing scraps, cardboard templates, hand
pieced the
blocks, and also used a treddle sewing machine.
Q- What got you interested in starting quilting on your own?
A- I made my first quilt with some money I got from high school
graduation so I
could take a nice bedspread with me to college at BYU. It was a
yellow gingham quilt that I tied with alternating yellow and white
yarn to
give it a diamond-looking pattern. I took a VERY long hiatus from
sewing and
quilting while I completed my degree, got married, and started my
About eight years ago, I was diagnosed as having a major depressive
which changed my life. I had never been through such a trying time
and I needed something (in addition to medication) to help me learn
to cope.
All my kids were now in school, so I decided to start quilting
again. I
quilted on my own for a few years. When I moved to Grantsville and
met Ora
Bridges, Judy Peterson, and Carolyn Green, my life changed again!
taught me how to applique, and they all encouraged me to come to
guild. All of my quilt guild friends are such a blessing in my life.

Quilting and my quilty friends help me maintain a happy balance in
my life.
Q- What is your favorite sewing room snack?
A- My favorite sewing room snack is semi-sweet chocolate chips and
cracker type cookies or peanuts.
Tell us something that we may not know about you!
I like to buy everything on sale and consider myself a bargain
shopper. I'm
pretty good at finding just what I need or want for a great price. I
love to
share my sale-buying techniques and tips with friends who are just
into quilting and sewing so it is affordable for them. I really like
to find
great deals on KSL, especially furniture that could use a new life.
envision the idea, and my husband helps (mostly does it himself)
make my
vision come to fruition. We're currently finishing our basement.
When it's
done, I plan to host sewing days at my house! I can hardly wait!
Thanks Teresa for sharing your sewing room with all of us!